4 canning recipes to make this year!

First of all, how to make home canning?
We strongly advise you to use the MAPAQ’s guide to home canning to avoid any risk of botulism or food poisoning.
To begin, prepare your working areas and tools. Place the non-metallic funnel, ladle, paper towels, tongs, and rings within easy reach. Sterilize all jars in boiling water and keep them warm until use.
Once sterilized, put the lids with a rubber rim in very hot water. This allows the jars to be sealed tightly afterwards. It is important to get new ones every year. When your recipes are ready, fill your Masson jars to within half an inch of the rim. You must leave a little space for air to escape. Make sure that nothing has settled on the rim of the pot. Make sure the rim is clean, as this could spoil all your cans by developing bacteria. Clean with a clean cloth or paper towels. Put on the lid and then the ring, but do not squeeze too tightly.
Finally, using an autoclave (recommended) or a very large pot to put your filled jars in boiling water is depending on your recipe inside, time will be recommended for the process to be successful. Remove the jars from the pot without tilting them and place them upright on a towel away from draughts; let them cool without moving them for 24 hours. You can rely on the Bernardin company’s website which gives you step by step instructions for the success of your home canning session and avoid food poisoning.
Avoid food poisoning
Canning involves heating food and containers to very high temperatures. The precise time is specific to each recipe to ensure the destruction of microorganisms that can lead to food poisoning. The bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which can be found everywhere in the environment, resists heat. Under favorable conditions, it can grow and produce a toxin that causes botulism, a serious food poisoning. A food contaminated with this bacteria may show no signs of spoilage.
1. Garlic pickles
Ingredients :
- 4 cups of water
- 1/4 cup salt
- Pickles at will
- 6 garlic bulbs
Preparations :
- Prepare your brine: boil the 4 cups of water with the ¼ cup of salt until the salt has completely dissolved.
- Slice the pickles lengthwise or keep them whole. If you cut them, it is advisable to put them in iced and salted water for a few minutes and then rinse and drain. This will keep them crunchy.
- Put the pickles in the Masson jars.
- Add 5 to 6 cloves of garlic, to taste.
- Fill the Masson jar equally with brine and vinegar.
- Seal
2. Pickled onions
Ingredients :
- Red Onions
- ½ cup white vinegar
- ½ cup of water
- 3 tablespoons of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of salt
Preparations :
- Prepare your marinade: boil the water, vinegar, sugar and salt.
- Cut your onions into thin strips
- Put the onions in the sterilized jars.
- Add the marinade
- Seal

3. Spicy pickled beans
Ingredients :
- 4 cups of water
- 1/4 cup salt
- Yellow and green beans
- Hot peppers (according to preference)
- 1 garlic bulb
Preparations :
- Prepare your brine: boil the water and salt until the salt has completely dissolved.
- Cut off the ends of the beans and put them in sterilized Masson jars.
- Cut the hot peppers into pieces and put them in the sterilized Masson jars.
- Place the garlic in a food processor so that it is finely chopped and put it in the sterilized Masson jars.
- Fill with equal parts brine and vinegar.
- Seal
4. Tomato sauce
Ingredients :
- 16 cups of Italian tomatoes
- 2 onions, diced
- 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1/2 cup (125 ml) fresh basil
- ¼ cup of Thyme
- Lemon juice
- Salt and pepper
- Other spices to taste
Preparations :
- Remove the head of the tomato and make an x on the bottom (they will peel better).
- In a large pot, bring the tomatoes to boil to remove their skin.
- In a saucepan, mix the oil and onions and sauté.
- Wash your pot a little and place the peeled tomatoes, onions and garlic in it. Add salt and pepper. Simmer for a good hour or until you like the consistency.
- When you have finished put the basil leaves in a food processor and add to the tomato sauce.
- Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the bottom of your Masson jars before filling them.put in the Masson jars and boil for 20 minutes to seal the jar.
To know that your preserves are well-sealed you should hear a “Poc” from each Masson jar. This is the lid being lowered.